7 Steps to Shape a Nano Office for Unbuilt Architecture

Crafting a Niche in the Realm of Conceptual Design: A Guide for Aspiring Nano Architectural Firms

Bahram H Yousefi, Dr. techn.


There is a unique niche in the broad and varied field of architecture: the realm of unbuilt or conceptual architecture. Delving into this area offers a world of possibilities for micro offices and small-scale architecture businesses. Without the limits of physical building, imagination and ingenuity take centre stage. This article describes seven crucial stages for establishing a successful nano office specializing in unbuilt architecture. These steps give aspiring nano office owners with a road map for navigating the hurdles and capitalizing on the opportunities that come with focusing on unbuilt design. By adhering to these criteria, architects may position themselves as forerunners in this market, attracting customers who respect originality and forward-thinking design ideas. A successful nano office specializing in unbuilt architecture can exist in an industry that constantly pushes the boundaries of what is possible with careful planning and effective implementation.



Bahram H Yousefi, Dr. techn.

I write on Design, Cognification/Innervation, Gamification & Entrepreneurship. As a coach & instructor, I merge knowledge with innovation. http://bhy.solutions/